Global Initiative Newsletter 24

 5 December 2013

The most recent Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children newsletter includes information about global progress, human rights reports, country campaigns, and research.  In addition to a report on the law change in Honduras (see the separate EPOCH NZ news item) there is information about various states where progress toward reform is very positive.

In many countries there are active campaigns towards reform such as Wales where a roadshow and vigil on the theme “Ending Legalised Violence against Children” was held at Brecon Cathedral, 25-26 April 2013. Candles were lit to remember children who have suffered violence, and the Dean, The Very Reverend Geoffrey Marshall, washed children’s feet as a sign of respect. In his address the Dean said smacking should not be seen as acceptable behaviour: “Ending violence against children is a religious imperative and the Church has a responsibility to work with others to do so”. An exhibition and roadshow was held in Cardiff for Universal Children’s Day 20 November 2013 on the theme of “Hitting Children is Wrong and the Law Should Say So”.