February 2006

Writing a submission

A significant volume of submissions in favour of full repeal of section 59 of the Crimes Act 1961 and therefore in support of Sue Bradford's - Crimes (Abolition of Force as a Justification for Child Discipline) Amendment Bill will positively influence the outcome of the Select Committee hearing.

If you have not already made a submission, please do so before 28th February 2006.

Send two copies of your submission to:
The Clerk,
Justice and Electoral Select Committee,
Parliament Buildings,

Submissions do not need to be long and complicated although it is important to state your views clearly and give some evidence from your own experience or from research to support your views.  A few points and clear recommendations will be effective.

Help with your submission.

A short guide to making a submission is on the EPOCH website www.epochnz.org.nz.  A longer guide is available on request from the "Contact us" facility on the website.  If you want to talk to someone about making the submission send us an email via the website.

Outcome of the Bill.

EPOCH New Zealand fully supports the intent of Sue Bradford's Bill, full repeal of section 59 Crimes Act 1961.

Please support full repeal of section 59 Crimes Act 1961 and oppose amendment to define "reasonable" or "unreasonable" force (how to hit a child).

EPOCH New Zealand also wants to see parents supported to learn positive ways of disciplining their children.

Therefore in your submission you should make it clear that you support:

  • Repeal of section 59 Crimes Act 1961 (without any amendment to define reasonable or unreasonable force).
  • Sustained public education about positive, non-violent parenting and the risks associated with the use of physical punishment of children.