March 2005

Every child counts

A realisation that New Zealand could do better for its children has led 180 individuals and organisations to start a joint campaign to promote the interests of children and families in the lead up to the 2005 election. Every Child Counts is a non-party political campaign with a simple message. Children and families must be central to policy if New Zealand is to thrive socially and economically.

Placing children and families as the centre of policy will lead to:

  • fewer children growing up in poverty
  • fewer children growing up experiencing violence
  • more children getting a good start to life
  • public policy being more child and family centred.

Organisations leading the project are Barnardos, UNICEF New Zealand, Save the Children, Royal New Zealand Plunket Society and the Institute of Public Policy, Auckland University of Technology.  Other organisations and individuals have signed up as supporters.

A key element of the campaign is to have a huge list of personal and organisational supporters from across New Zealand telling all political parties to take more notice of children and families.   To sign up as a supporter, or for more information, contact:

Every Child Counts,
PO Box 6434,

Or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , or phone 04 385 7560
Read more about Every Child Counts on

There are no membership fees, and no specific obligations - simply list your name as a supporter.